How to Delete A Windows from Another Windows in Multiboot

Tired of running two windows? Then you can simply delete one by a little trick within a moment.

Warning: This method will completely remove the system of the Windows you want to delete. So, you will lose access to the installed applications and any other things of that Windows. But thankfully, any user files or other files of the hard drive where Windows installed will not be erased.

How to Delete A Windows?

1. At first, boot to the Windows you want to keep.

2. Go to Start and search for System Configuration. Alternatively, you can open run (Shortcut: Win+R) and type msconfig and then click OK.

3. In the system configuration window, go to the Boot tab.

4. In the Boot tab, select the Windows you want to delete. In my case, Windows 10 is my current Windows and I want to delete Windows 8.1. So, I am clicking on Windows 8.1.

5. Now click Delete.

6. After that, click OK at the bottom.

7. Now you will notice a popup dialogue box like below. We recommend clicking. Restart. Or you can click Exit without restart to restart manually later.

After restarting, your second Windows will be deleted permanently.